Can I use your proxies for emailing?

We allow all types of web mailing such as GMail, Yahoo, and AOL, but you cannot use our proxies for a mail server.

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Proxy IP and Anonymous Types

IPv4: Only IPv4 will connect IPv6: Only IPv6 will connect IPv4 first then IPv6: IPv4 will...

Can I test a proxy before purchasing?

We cannot provide free proxies for testing due to possible abuse. You can begin by purchasing 5...

What is the X-Forwarded-For header?

The X-Forwarded-For (XFF) header is a de-facto standard header for identifying the originating IP...

What is the difference between SOCKS and HTTP/HTTPS proxies?

HTTP/HTTPS ProxiesAn HTTP/HTTPs proxy can only be used on an HTTP or HTTPS protocol connection,...

Can I use your proxies on any browser?

Yes, you can use them with every application that supports HTTP/HTTPS proxies. If you require...