How does the North American IPv4 address depletion effect proxy usage?

IPv4 address space was officially depleted on September 24, 2015. This means that no more NEW IPv4 addresses will be given out in North America. It does not mean that all the IPs are gone, there are still billions out there, but there will be no NEW addresses that can be given out.

Finding IPs that have never been used as proxies is now nearly impossible, and all proxy users should be weary of any provider stating they have "virgin" or un-used proxies. This may however be the case, but it is unlikely due the information given above.

IPv6 proxies were implemented at ActProxy in late 2017 and we will continue to develop our platform for the new IP version far into the future. It is estimated it will be another 5 to 10 years before you can browse up to 90% of the internet using only an IPv6 address, but IPv6 are useable now on all major platforms including Google, facebook, and twitter.

We will continue to provide IPv4 proxies far into the future and will continue to look for IPs that have not been used as proxies but as already stated this is becoming very difficult. However, IPv4 proxies can still be used for many many very useful things and that is why we will continue to provide this service.

For more information regarding the North American IPv4 address depletion, please have a look at:

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