Can I get username & password authentication instead of IP authentication?

Yes, you can use either a username and password or IP authentication or both with our proxies.

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If my proxies appear to be slow can I get them changed out?

Sure, you can refresh them in your client area, or pay for multiple refrehes. You will also get a...

Can I use your proxies on any browser?

Yes, you can use them with every application that supports HTTP/HTTPS proxies. If you require...

What is an authentication IP?

Authentication or authenticating IPs are the IPs of the server or computer you want to use the...

In what cities are your proxies available?

We have proxies in 18 major locations in the USA, Europe, and the UK:USABuffalo, NYLincoln,...

Do you restrict access to certain websites?

No website is restricted, however please read our Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy...