What is your Refund policy?

We offer a full refund if you are not satisfied within 3 days for ALL of our proxies. If our proxies do not work for your purpose, contact support within three days of ordering. We can try to find a solution to make our proxies work for you or we will grant a full refund. All CRYPTOCURRENCY payments are REFUNDABLE ONLY AS ACCOUNT CREDIT. WE DO NOT REFUND CRYPTOCURRENCIES.

Bu cevap yeterince yardımcı oldu mu?

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Can I authenticate an IPv6 address?

Yes, you can authenticate up to 8 IPv6 and/or IPv4 addresses.

What is your SPAM policy?

Please refer to our Terms & Conditions for a more detailed description on this subject.

Do you provide socks5 or socks proxies?

Yes we do, you can select from normal proxies or socks at checkout and in your client area when...

What is the X-Forwarded-For header?

The X-Forwarded-For (XFF) header is a de-facto standard header for identifying the originating IP...

What is the difference between a Dedicated Private Proxy and Shared Proxy?

A dedicated proxy is a proxy only used by one person, and a shared proxy in our case is a proxy...