What is your Refund policy?

We offer a full refund if you are not satisfied within 3 days for ALL of our proxies. If our proxies do not work for your purpose, contact support within three days of ordering. We can try to find a solution to make our proxies work for you or we will grant a full refund. All CRYPTOCURRENCY payments are REFUNDABLE ONLY AS ACCOUNT CREDIT. WE DO NOT REFUND CRYPTOCURRENCIES.

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What version are your socks proxies?

Our socks proxies support versions 4/4.5/5.

Can all of my proxies have the same port?

No, our proxies are assigned random 4 digit ports which will work with all software and web use.

Can I use your proxies on footsites?

Yes, but we do not guarantee any type of success rate with our proxies. Our proxies may or may...

Proxy IP and Anonymous Types

IPv4: Only IPv4 will connect IPv6: Only IPv6 will connect IPv4 first then IPv6: IPv4 will...

What is an authentication IP?

Authentication or authenticating IPs are the IPs of the server or computer you want to use the...