What is your Refund policy?

We offer a full refund if you are not satisfied within 3 days for ALL of our proxies. If our proxies do not work for your purpose, contact support within three days of ordering. We can try to find a solution to make our proxies work for you or we will grant a full refund. All CRYPTOCURRENCY payments are REFUNDABLE ONLY AS ACCOUNT CREDIT. WE DO NOT REFUND CRYPTOCURRENCIES.

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Can I use your proxies for emailing?

We allow all types of web mailing such as GMail, Yahoo, and AOL, but you cannot use our proxies...

Can I use your proxies on any browser?

Yes, you can use them with every application that supports HTTP/HTTPS proxies. If you require...

What is the X-Forwarded-For header?

The X-Forwarded-For (XFF) header is a de-facto standard header for identifying the originating IP...

What is your SPAM policy?

Please refer to our Terms & Conditions for a more detailed description on this subject.

Can I use your proxies for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or other social networking websites?

We do not block access to any website, but due to the dynamic nature and security of social...