What is your Refund policy?

We offer a full refund if you are not satisfied within 3 days for ALL of our proxies. If our proxies do not work for your purpose, contact support within three days of ordering. We can try to find a solution to make our proxies work for you or we will grant a full refund. All CRYPTOCURRENCY payments are REFUNDABLE ONLY AS ACCOUNT CREDIT. WE DO NOT REFUND CRYPTOCURRENCIES.

?האם התשובה שקיבלתם הייתה מועילה

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קראו גם

Early refresh pricing

All proxy plans come wtih one free refresh per billing cycle. If one refresh isn't enough for you...

Can i use your proxies on Craigslist?

Our proxies should work fine on Craigslist, but we cannot offer any guarantee for the site, the...

What is the difference between SOCKS and HTTP/HTTPS proxies?

HTTP/HTTPS ProxiesAn HTTP/HTTPs proxy can only be used on an HTTP or HTTPS protocol connection,...

How does the North American IPv4 address depletion effect proxy usage?

IPv4 address space was officially depleted on September 24, 2015. This means that no more NEW...