What is your Refund policy?

We offer a full refund if you are not satisfied within 3 days for ALL of our proxies. If our proxies do not work for your purpose, contact support within three days of ordering. We can try to find a solution to make our proxies work for you or we will grant a full refund. All CRYPTOCURRENCY payments are REFUNDABLE ONLY AS ACCOUNT CREDIT. WE DO NOT REFUND CRYPTOCURRENCIES.

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When will I receive the proxies I paid for?

Most orders are processed immediately after payment, however on occasion orders may not be setup...

Can all of my proxies have the same port?

No, our proxies are assigned random 4 digit ports which will work with all software and web use.

What is an authentication IP?

Authentication or authenticating IPs are the IPs of the server or computer you want to use the...

Can I switch my proxies?

Yes, you can switch your proxies out instantly by clicking the Renew Proxies button that will...

What is your SPAM policy?

Please refer to our Terms & Conditions for a more detailed description on this subject.