Can your proxies be used on classified ads websites?

Yes our proxies can be used on any website, however certain websites such as Craigslist may have a varible success rate.

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Can I use your proxies for ticket bots?

We do allow our proxies to be used on TicketMaster, but WE DO NOT guarantee the success rate of...

What are the different types of proxies ActProxy offers?

We offer HTTP/HTTPS proxies and socks proxies.

When will I receive the proxies I paid for?

Most orders are processed immediately after payment, however on occasion orders may not be setup...

Do you offer an API?

Yes, you can easily access the API to retrieve your proxy lists through an external software...

Can all of my proxies have the same port?

No, our proxies are assigned random 4 digit ports which will work with all software and web use.