We will be upgrading our Windows VPS Host Servers to Windows Server 2019 and new fast state-of-the-art SSD NAS storage in one week from now on May 26, 2020. We will not be able to restore the VPS you have you now to our upgraded hosts so please backup your VPS servers and prepare for their deletion. All who receive this email will be entitled to one month free of any VPS they choose and you can have one free month for each Active VPS you have at the time you receive this email. So if you have 3 VPS rights now we will give you 3 VPS for one month free. All VPS will need to be given at the same time to receive this offer. We apologize for any inconvenience this may be causing you but it has been 3 years since we launched our VPS and it is time to do some house cleaning and upgrades. Please backup your data by May 26, 2020. We will send one more email and post a message in your client area for the next week.

The upgrade will take approximately 48 hours to complete and after that we will send out another email informing you to request your VPS.

Thursday, May 21, 2020
